Indiana Race and Ethnicity Population Data 1830-1930

U.S. Census Bureau data - available online

Race and Ethnicity in Indiana volumes of the U.S. Census Bureau


Here are the direct links for researching race and ethnicity in Indiana volumes of the U.S. Census.

A note about terminology - at the beginning of census race and ethnicity research, you'll find outdated terms. Today's Census Bureau works to be as current and accurate as possible to the terms people use to self-describe. However, terms used in the past, while not appropriate and even offensive, can show up in your research. 

I've gathered links to each year from 1830-1890 for you for easy access.

1830 Census:

1840 Census:

*1830 & 1840  Population Census volumes are not part of the Census Bureau's digital collection, but they may be available at a Federal Depository Library in your state. If you need these population figures for Indiana, please let me know and I'll arrange to scan pages for you from our volumes of reprints from 1830 and 1840.

1850 Census:

     Full digitized volumes:


     See "Classifications of Age and Color"

1860 Census:

     Full digitized volumes:


     p5 shows the aggregate of "White" "Free Colored" and "Indian"

1870 Census:

     Full digitized volumes:


1880 Census:

     Full digitized volumes:

     Race and Ethnicity Tables, by state:

1890 Census:

     Full digitized volumes:

     Indiana (p24 of PDF):

     Race and Ethnicity Tables by state:

     Foreign Born Population (p17 of PDF):

1900 Census:

     Foreign Parentage (p77 of PDF):

          Foreign Parentage by Country (p84 of the PDF, Indiana is listed in North Central division)

          Citizenship and Years in the United States (p88 pf PDF)

     Sex, General Nativity and Color (p7 and p45 of PDF):

      (Indiana appears in almost all of these tables) 

      (p7 and p45 of PDF)

     Country of Birth: (Indiana appears in all of these tables)

    Foreign Parentage: (Indiana appears in most of these tables)

    Citizenship and Years in US: (Indiana appears in most of these tables)

1910 Census

     Color or Race, Nativity, and Parentage: (Indiana is listed in East North Central division)

          Indiana on pages 17, 24, 34, 35, 40, 46. You can scroll further down for county- and city-level race and ethnicity data. 

          Indiana on pages 67, 72, 74, 77. Scroll down further for counties and cities.

     Country of Birth of the Foreign Born Population

          Indiana on pages 27, 32, 34, 36, 37, 52, 56, 60, 61, 88. Scroll through for cities.

     Country of Origin of the Foreign White Stock

          Indiana on pages 19, 21, 26, 34, 44, 54, 64. Scroll down further for cities.

     Indiana volume (p83):

          Pages 109+ Scroll through for county and city/town-level data.

1920 Census:

     Indiana volume (p 79): Race and Ethnicity data on pages 80, 83, 86. Scroll down for city/town-level data.     

1930 Census:

     Volume 2, Chapter 2: Indiana on pages 13-18, 20, 26, 32, 36, 39, 43, 44. Scroll down for city/town-level data.

     Volume 2, Chapter 5: Indiana on pages 12-14, 21. Scroll down for city/town-level data.

     Volume 2, Chapter 6: Indiana on pages 12-23, 33. Scroll down for city/town-level data.

     Volume 2, Chapter 8: Indiana on pages 16, 17, 18-19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 36, 48, 53, 82.

Additional 1930 Census figures on race and ethnicity broken down by state can be found in 3, 4, 5, and the supplement to Volume 6, all found here:

  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2023
  • Views 76
  • Answered By Katie S.

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