Where do I find the official census data for every year (1790-Present) of the Decennial Census of Population and Housing?

Decennial Census Data Resources

The SDC Program is a federal-state partnership program with the U.S. Census Bureau. Reprints (Ross Publishing) of the original decennial census data volumes for the years 1790-1870 are located on the 2nd floor of the Indiana State Library in the State Data Center alcove, near the Reference Section.

1790 Return of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States: according to "An act providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States," passed March the first, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one

1800 Return of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States, according to "An act providing for the second census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States," passed February the twenty eighth, one thousand eight hundred

1810 Third census of the United States

1820 Fourth census of the United States

1830 Fifth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States

1840 Sixth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States

1850 Seventh census of the United States

1860 Eighth census of the United States

1870 Ninth census of the United States Statistical volumes in print for each census year 1880-2000 are available in the library’s Fed Docs and State Data Center collections. Access these records through the library’s catalog here. You can request to view these items at the 2nd floor Reference/Information desk. Ask a librarian for assistance locating these volumes.The Census Bureau has digitized official census data volumes for every year of the decennial census. These are available on their Decennial Census by Decade webpage under Decennial  Census Official Publications for each corresponding year.

Recent decennial census data (2000, 2010, and 2020) is available for download by using the online data tool Data.Census.gov. Find tips on using the data by watching Census Bureau tutorials from the Census Academy website. You can request individual or group training at no cost by contacting the Indiana State Data Center .

The NHGIS (National Historical Geographic Information System) is a comprehensive source for downloading major decennial census data tables and mapping files for all decennial census years, 1790-2020. Access the data by registering for free on their website.

Decennial census tract and block maps for the 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020 censuses are available via the Reference Maps webpage on the Census Bureau website. For census maps before 1990, ask the Indiana State Data Center Librarian.


  • Last Updated May 09, 2023
  • Views 69
  • Answered By Katie S.

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