Where can I find cemetery records?


Original cemetery records are generally held by the cemetery or associated social or religious organization. If the cemetery is no longer active, the records may have been donated to a local library or historical society or they may have been destroyed.

Many cemetery records have been indexed and the records placed in libraries. To see our cemetery record holdings, search our catalog for the name of the cemetery in which you are interested. The websites Find a Grave and Billion Graves also have free, searchable cemetery indexes.

If you are researching the history of a cemetery, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology maintains the State Historic Architecture and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD), which documents the locations of cemeteries throughout Indiana and provides historical resources about the cemeteries.

  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2021
  • Views 258
  • Answered By Stephanie Asberry

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